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The Lion's Mouth (A Hanne Wilhelmsen Novel) - Anne Holt

#TheLion'sMouth  Available 2/9/16  4 Stars  @ScribnerBooks  Anne Holt

This book definitely reminded me of Jo Nesbo or Stieg Larsson. Do they teach Nordic authors how to write differently than Americans? Every Nordic author that I've read have written the same way. It's uncanny.

This one started out a little slow and has the usual way too many descriptions, but I really liked it a lot. Because of the foreign names, streets and sometimes the dialog, I wasn't able to just skip right through this one. I think I liked that about this book. If your like me and read fast, you really don't want to pay $30.00 for a book you will be done with in 4 or 5 hours. The Nordic authors are great for that.

There are lots of suspects and conspiracies and one agency not talking to the other and one government official talking to much to the press. There was quite a lot going on. And when I got to the ending, I was like "really, all that for that?" But I thought in a good way, not in a negative way. It was like the Keystone Cops trying to figure out all these extreme ideas about the murders and it wasn't so far in left field after all. It was, however, very entertaining and a good read. As I said, it did have a slow start and I admit to almost putting it down, but I'm glad I didn't and saw it through. It was worth it in the end.

Thanks to Scribner for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review. Seriously, stick it out - you did it for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and look how good that was.