4 STARS!! #BonetobeWild @DeltaGalCarolyn @MinotaurBooks What a way to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon with Sarah Booth and the gang. While this one wasn't as funny as usual, it was still an entertaining read. Sarah and Tinkie had their little quarrels and Chapman and Sarah had their tiffs where she wanted to do things he didn't want her to do, but she figured out a way to do them anyways without having to break her promise. As usual, the whole gang of dogs and cats were there. Roscoe was into his usual mischief and Pluto was usually getting down with the attitude thing.
Of course, there were some new characters in town, good grief, you can't kill the main characters!! And, sadly Sarah and Graf are on hiatus. Of course, she is heartbroken and who knows what will happen with that relationship? I personally think the long distance thing isn't going to work anyways. Plus he's becoming a bigger actor and you know that means bigger head. Sarah doesn't have the money to widen the doors at Dahlia House. HA!!
I found this book to be everything you would expect in a Carolyn Haines book and I definitely recommend it!!!