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We Were the Lucky Ones - Georgia Lyn Hunter

This was an excellent book narrating the story of one family during WWII. The hardships that they went through, how they endured, how they suffered, how they were estranged and how they found each other again.

Their's was not an easy life. The book definitely described this. It also told of love and how the family took risks to save each other and to help bring them back together. It was especially sad to read about the things that Mila had to put her young daughter of less than five years old through in order to save her life.

A family who were evicted from their stately home where they had lived for many years. They had put a lot of pride, time and money into this home. They were given a few hours to collect their belongings and leave. They then had to find a new home, one that was empty, in what was to become the "ghetto" and what was a two room apartment for four adults and one child. It was a trying time and a scary time for all of them. One which years would go by and they would not hear from each other. It was almost a decade before they would hear from their one son, Addy.

This was such a sad story. Unfortunately, I know that were many of these. I did find it interesting though that these people kept on having babies. That part I just didn't understand. That being said, this was an interesting read, one that I found mesmerizing and one that I could not put down. I felt for these people, the author made them so real. I was engrossed in their daily lives and had to know what became of them.

Thanks to Penguin Group Viking for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.