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An Evil Mind - Chris Carter

4 Stars!  #AnEvilMind  @AtriaBooks  ChrisCarter
This was different than most serial killer books in that the serial killer was caught in the beginning of the book through accidental circumstances. So instead of being led on a chase to find him. The reader is led on a chase to find his victims as he is being interrogated by his college roommate.

It was an interesting way to write a book, as I haven't read one like it. But, in a sense, it was a little creepier because of the way he was telling the story. It was like he was so proud of himself and exaggerating about it. You could almost see the smile on his face as he was telling the story. And nothing was left out as he was telling it either.

I have to admit I did enjoy it, but was definitely creeped out. He also had some different ways to display his trophies.

This was well written and I highly recommend it, but don't start it anywhere near bedtime. I even had to read a little something lighter just to get this guy out of my head. Creepy he was!

Thanks Atria Books and Net Galley for providing me with this free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.