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Wonderland - Jennifer Hillier

4 Stars!  #Wonderland  @PocketStarBooks  @JenniferHillier

I was so surprised to see that this book was for sale on Amazon for $1.99 the other day. It had only been out for 10 days. I definitely had to look further into this. I love Jennifer Hillier, she has written some pretty creepy stuff. So naturally, I'm thinking this was a short story or a novella or something. It wasn't. So, now I am perplexed.

Anyway, I liked the book a lot, but it didn't have her normal creepiness to it. I mean it was an entertaining and enjoyable story and I still did not guess "who did it". And the pages were turning pretty fast for me. And yes, I screamed at the daughter when she lied to her mom about where she was going to be. There was some creepiness in the middle and at the end, but not her typical creepiness. I'm chalking it up to the fact that she was carrying her first baby and didn't want those bad vibes to carry through. HA!! It's still a great book and I definitely would recommend it.

Here's hoping the feeling I got from her acknowledgements does not come to fruition and that there are many more books to come!