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The Little Men (Bibliomysteries) - Megan Abbott

4 stars!  #TheLIttleMen  @openroadmedia  @meganeabbott

This was like a little mini Twilight Zone. I read it and I'm still like shaking my head like WTF? This girl gets this room cheap and its not far from work and she's real excited until she talks to her neighbor and finds out how she has got the room for so cheap. It was a nice short little story, only 71 pages long, and it told a story. I'm not much on short stories, so my review is pretty biased. However, I know there are people who don't have a lot of time to read and who would love this book.

I'm pretty sure that sitting back with a bowl and reading this would definitely enhance your reading experience because this one is kind of out there. I enjoyed it, wish it was longer, and would definitely recommend it.

Huge thanks to Open Road Media and Net Galley for providing me with this free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.