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Going for Kona (Michele) (Volume 1) - Pamela Fagan Hutchins

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thanks Pamela for the opportunity!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book!! It was much different from her Annalise series, but it was still great. I loved the fact that I had been to a lot of the places in the book and was very familiar with a lot of it as the main character lived in Houston. I always like books that are based somewhere that I've been. It's like revisiting those places again.

The story was very entertaining with some mystery, intrigue and suspense involved as well. It was a fast, easy read. Because it was a document, I couldn't tell where I was in the book and I kept thinking she was going to leave some loose ends, but everything was all sorted out in the end and made for a fun and entertaining read. You really end up really liking (or really detesting in the case of the bad guys) the characters and hate that you won't be seeing them either again or for a while.

I really like the Ironman part of it as well. I'm familiar with it, I have friends who do it and that just made it even better. Definitely one to read!